WEATHER: Overcast but warm, intermittant sunny spells. Breezy.
First of all both Tom's and my camera failed, both with battery issues. I wouldn't mind but I had 4 more fully charged batteries at home 😖, so all images are taken with a phone and I couldn't actually see the screen.
Not many butterflies as it was windy however when the sun came out we saw quite a few female orange tips and a couple of males. The female has black tips and the male has the orange tips on its wings. Lots of a small moth that turned out to be a day flyer called a Silver Ground Carpet Moth.
Dave showing us a Silver Y Moth
Close up of Silver Y Moth
Elephant Hawkmoth
Tom looking for stuff for his collection case
Bluetailed Damselfly
Damselfly female
Tom writing down his findings
Marsh Orchid
Alder Beetle, lives on Alder leaves, look at the other leaf and you can see orange eggs
St George's Mushrooms, edible apparently.
Rare for GTR MCR, Spotted Medik, little yellow flowers, and black spots on the leaves.
Part of the clover family.
Finally a Speckled Wood Butterfly