Team Raven is a formation aerobatic display team that formed in May 2014.
The birth of the team came after Steve sold his lovely Yak 52 and concentrated on flying his RV4 while at the same time building a brand new RV8.When you haven't got the Red Arrows, these are the next best thing, brilliant display.
Followed by the Strikemaster Jet Powered Aircraft, a training and light attack aircraft.
The penultimate display came from the Extra 260 Aerobatic Team, Steve Carver flies the fabulous Extra 260 for air shows.
The climax of the airshow was the RAF Typhoon with sound that makes your liver shake.
The Display Pilot must design not only a Full Display but also a Limited and Flat sequence used in the event of poorer weather.
During sequence development the Typhoon simulators are used to check the sequence before the airborne work-up is started. The simulator is also used throughout the work-up to prepare the Display Pilot for bad weather (including strong winds) and to practice aircraft handling in the unlikely event of an emergency during a display to ensure complete safety for the crowd.