Monday 11 February 2013

Dunham Massey (Park and Gardens) - Sunday 10th Feb 2013

Today we were hoping to spot some Great Spotted Woodpecker around the park, there had been some recent sightings of woodpeckers fighting for territory.

We didn't see any woodpecker and it was a miserable afternoon, wet and freezing however it was still worth while and we saw a couple of tree creepers, one near the car park and the other in the trees near the old Water Mill.

Here are todays recordings and photo's.

Time: 2pm to 4pm

 2x Treecreeper
 6x Tufted Duck
10+ x Fieldfare, numerous in teh trees nr the watermill.
1x Robin

In the lake, Mallard, Moorhen, Coot, Mute Swan, Great Tit


Deer wandering around the park

Mallards and Tufted Ducks

Great Tit

Fieldfare in the trees

Singing away on it's perch

Example of a Tree Creeper, unfortunate on my photo you couldn't actually see it :o))

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