Tuesday 3 June 2014

Mersey Vale Nature Park - Stockport

Mon 2nd June
7pm - 8.15pm
Habitat can be seen in the image below;

Started with very light rain that came down heavier as we ventured downstream on the Mersey. Not a brilliant night but I did see quite a few Sand Martin feeding which was excellent;

Robin, Blackbird, Grey Heron, Song Thrush, Canada Geese (4 Goslings), Mallards, Pied Wagtail, Wren, Swift and Sand Martin.

Approx 25+ Sand Martin using the bank for nesting holes. Above the eye line they looked jet black however once they came down and skimmed the water you could see how brown they actually were. You could clearly see that there was no white rump visible. The Wren was also popping in and out of the nest holes.

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