Monday 2 July 2018

Top Tips for Photographing Birds in Flight

Tips for Photographing Birds in Flight
  • Learn Flight Behaviour of the Birds. Birds normally have the predictable flight behaviour. might be able to predict the path of the bird.
  • Point of View Matters the Most. ...preferable for the bird to be flying towards you and at eye level for best results.
  • Start with Slow Flying Birds. ...master your technique by photographing herons and Egrets
  • Use the Right Camera Settings. ...Set your camera up as follows:
    • Aperture Priority
    • Matrix/Evaluative metering
    • Auto ISO
    • 1/500th  or faster
    • AI-Servo
    • Continuoes frames
  • Choose the Proper Focus Points. ... 9 or 21 point auto focus
  • Track Before You Photograph. ...See learning flight behaviour and the next one checking background
  • Wait till You Get the Best or Contrasting Background. ...remeber the focusing needs good enough contract between the subject and the background
  • Take-off and Landing Shots. Birds take off and land usually into the wind, stand with your back facing the wind.
  • Get Creative, Silhouettes for example
  • Composition....Use rule of thirds, dont clip wings.

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