Sunday 12 August 2018

Reducing my Transportation Footprint

Transportation is one of the the largest sources of carbon emissions and one of the best areas we as individuals can make a difference. We can use cleaner cars but the best way is to return to walking or biking. Walking and Biking are not just recreational activities for the weekend they help us to get fitter being more active, reduce our demand for oil, reduce congestion, noise pollution and the destruction of open spaces.

Here in Trafford we have good cycle links many using quiet and non traffic roadways. Lots of routes can be found on the Greater Manchester Transport site -

I have decided to improve my fitness, get out more and if possible not use the car.To help meet these goals I have purchased a folding bike, a Tern A7.

Its light and compact so I will ba able to use it at home and on holiday. I'm hoping its the start of some great adventures in photography, birding, camping and kiting. I'll be making a proper review after a couple months usage.

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