Sunday 11 September 2022

Southport Air Show 2019 - UPDATED IMAGES

Grob G115E [82182/E / G-BYXZ Grob Tutor Display Team

Grob G115E [82182/E / G-BYXZ Grob Tutor Display Team

Grob G115E [82182/E / G-BYXZ Grob Tutor Display Team

AeroSuperBatics Wingwalkers

AeroSuperBatics Wingwalkers

AeroSuperBatics Wingwalkers

AeroSuperBatics Wingwalkers

Battle of Britain Memorial Flight BBMF
Supermarine Spitfire / Douglas c47 Dakota / Hurricane

Battle of Britain Memorial Flight BBMF

Battle of Britain Memorial Flight BBMF

Battle of Britain Memorial Flight BBMF

Battle of Britain Memorial Flight BBMF

Battle of Britain Memorial Flight BBMF

Battle of Britain Memorial Flight BBMF

Royal Navy Black Cats

Royal Navy Black Cats

Royal Navy Black Cats

Royal Navy Black Cats

Fireflies Acrobatic Team

Fireflies Acrobatic Team

Fireflies Acrobatic Team

Gazelle Squadron

Gazelle Squadron

Gazelle Squadron

Otto the Helicopter 

Otto the Helicopter 

Otto the Helicopter 

Otto the Helicopter 

Otto the Helicopter 

Strikemaster Pair

Strikemaster Pair

Strikemaster Pair

Strikemaster Pair

Strikemaster Pair

P-47 Thunderbolt

P-47 Thunderbolt

P-47 Thunderbolt

The Typhoon

The Typhoon

The Typhoon

Jet Pitts – Richard Goodwin

Jet Pitts – Richard Goodwin

Saab Tunnan – Swedish Air Force

Saab Viggen – Swedish Air Force

Saab Viggen – Swedish Air Force

Saab Viggen – Swedish Air Force

T-33 Shooting Star / G-BYXZ

T-33 Shooting Star / G-BYXZ

T-33 Shooting Star / G-BYXZ

The Blades - Aerobytes

The Blades - Aerobytes

The Blades - Aerobytes

The Blades - Aerobytes

The Blades - Aerobytes

The Blades - Aerobytes

The Blades - Aerobytes




Tigers Army Parachute Team

Tigers Army Parachute Team

The End

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