Digital Amateur Radio



Install the driver before adding equipment so that no other drivers get installed.

Download WSJT-X Application (WSJT User Guide - WSJT-X User Guide (

All cables come with the SCU-17 unit that are needed for the FT450D. 

SCU-17 USB Interface

Open WSJT-X Application

Click on OK

My General Setup

Find your Comm Ports in Device Manager

My Radio Setup

My Audio Setup

The remaining tabs at this stage have all remained as default suggests, no changes made.

Monitoring the FT8 Signals

Lets get chasing those signals!
If your a hound start looking for CQ signals higher than -20 (You can try -20+ you never know), if your a fox start send a CQ.....

Double click on CQ on left hand side

My first FT8 QSO........

Logged in QRZ

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