Friday, 30 May 2014

Stretford Meadows 30th May

Time: 4.30pm - 5.45pm
Weather: Light Cloud, 13C No Rain

A quick visit proved productive;

Blackbird (Male) 4
Woodpigeon 7
Magpie 6
Reed Bunting 8
Blue Tit 3
Long Tailed Tit 5
Carion Crow 2
Chiffchaff 2
Whitethroat 1
Great Tit 2
Swift 4
Swallow 1

Heard the Pheasant and Woodpecker again.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Stretford Meadows 29th May 2014

TIME: 6.30pm -  7.30pm
WEATHER: Light Cloud, Temp 16C, No Rain

At Last! Finally caught up with the Common Pheasant, only one of them, I just saw its head rise above the grass for a second and then trained the bins on the spot for a few mins.

Also Skylark

Blackbird Male, 15 Carrion Crow, Goldfinch x2, Magpie, Woodpigeon, Reed Bunting

MCR Peregrine Chicks - 29/May 11.18am

Parent feeding the chicks what looks like a small mouse


Chris the Cuckoo

Chris the Cuckoo only stayed in Ghana for 48hrs (instead of the usual 3 weeks), Chris Packham missed him as he was in the Ivory Coast.

Last night we were told Chris the Cuckoo is in Suffolk so tonight lets see if Chris P can find him on Springwatch.

Stretford Meadows 28th May 2014


Took the Beagle for a ramble around the meadows, very quiet after the rain and very wet under foot, infact rather boggy in places. Still haven't seen the Kestrel for a while, I heard several pheasant but still not seen them however I did see a chiffchaff though.

Small flock of Goldfinch x5, Greenfinch, Reed Bunting, Chiffchaff, Swift x3,
Magpie, Crow, Woodpigeon, Black Headed Gull, Blackbird (pair).

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

The Great British Cull

Some of the UK’s most familiar and beloved birds are also being threatened by a health scare. Government advisors Natural England are proposing that private citizens be allowed to destroy robin and starling nests and remove their eggs if they are found to be a potential hazard under a General License  however we are already covered under a Private License and all this under the guise of health and safety.

Via the Guardian:
The number of nesting robins, starlings and pied wagtails prompting legitimate health and safety concerns in any year is very, very small, and we shall be responding to Natural England that it would be disproportionate to change the current licensing system, which should easily cope with genuine problems.
—Robin Wynde, RSPB
The group is also proposing that mallard (ducks) and greylag geese be subject to the same vigilante actions.
Is there more to this than just flimsy claims of  Health and Safety, see what you think, I know what I think!!

The Guardian

Stop Natural England from giving people the right to kill robins and destroy their nests and eggs - Sign the

Why would would the Tories want to allow the destruction of robins, starlings, wagtails and other such beautiful birds? See the related alternative viewpoints

Here’s the real reason the Tories are allowing the destruction of robin eggs and nests
Call for killing of birds deemed health hazard splits conservationists

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Bird invaders 'moving in' to UK's nature reserves

Nature reserves and other areas specially protected for wildlife, as well as being vital for native species, are very important for helping European birds to expand their ranges into Britain naturally.  The catch is that protected areas are also at increasing risk of invasion by species that have been introduced from further afield.


Monday, 26 May 2014

Stretford Meadows 26th May 2014


A close encounter of a fox on the meadows - Poplar Rd end.

BTO Survey - Wilmslow Sat 26th May 2014

Venue: 1sq Km around the Village Inn (former Moat Hs) on the A538.
Time 06.30am - 11.30am

A great day with Peter, thanks a lot.
Some highlights especially seen birds;

Robin, Long Tailed Tit, Great Tit, Goldfinch, Wren, Blackcap, Blackbird, Whitethroat, Song Thrush, Buzzard (adult), Crow, Magpie, Woodpigeon, Blue Tit and instead of hearing Chiffchaff we saw 3, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Kestrel, Grey Wagtail, Swallow, Jackdaw, Chaffinch, Dunnock.


Many were heard as well as seen however of note were 2/3 Goldcrest hiding in the trees that were covered with dense ivy.

Mammals: Grey Squirrel

Butterflies and Dragonflies noted but not counted on this survey;

Peacock Butterfly
4 Spotted Chaser Dragonfly
Small White Butterfly
Blue Veined Butterfly
Speckeled Wood

Tortoiseshell Butterfly

Banded Damoiselle

Great Day out learning bird calls and plenty of MUD!!!!!

BTO Cuckoo Tracking - Chris the Cuckoo

TV Presenter & BTO President, Chris Packham, and BTO Scientist, Dr Chris Hewson, travelled to the breeding and wintering grounds of Chris the Cuckoo to see if they could locate him. Watch BBC Springwatch on Monday 26 May to Thursday 29 May 2014 to follow their story of tracking Chris the Cuckoo.

Friday, 23 May 2014

Stretford Meadows 22/May/2014


1 Goldfinch
1 Reed Bunting
2 Whitethroat
2 Swallow
4 Swift
2 Long Tailed Tit
2 Great Tit
1 Greenfinch
1 Chiffchaff
3 Male Blackbirds
2 House Sparrow

Magpies, Woodpigeon, Carrion Crow
Lesser Black Backed Gull flew over

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

The invisible killer threatening millions of migrating birds

Every year, hundreds of millions of birds are killed or injured when they fly into windows. Volunteers who document the collisions are now calling for architects and landlords to make their buildings more bird friendly to reduce the number of deaths.

read more and watch the

This doesn't just happen in the US, this report highlights issues across the globe where ever there are buildings.

RELATED: RSPB Birds and Windows

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Above the garden today

5 Swifts catching insects and chattering

Stretford Meadows Monday 19th May 2014

Out for a good long walk last night but bird wise it was very quiet both in sightings and bird song.

Blackbirds (M+F), 1 Swallow, 3 Swift, 3 Mallards, 2 Carrion Crow, Wood Pigeons, Magpies along with 1 Reed Bunting and a Skylark. I have not heard the woodpecker again (Elm drive area) nor have I seen the Kestrel in its usual position over the last few days


Friday, 16 May 2014

Stretford Meadows 16th May 2014

A nice walk with Poppy the beagle, she met some nice friends - 2 beagle blokes and a little black thing.

As for birds;

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was heard but could not be found, neither can the Chiffchaffs.
Spotted - Reed Buntings, Magpies, Carrion Crows, Blackbirds, Greenfinch and 2 Linnet.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Stretford Meadows and Broad Ees Dole - 14th May 2014

A good evening walk, started about 6.30pm and returned home about 9pm

Full Moon over the Mersey Valley

Stretford Meadows

Blackbirds Male and Females together 2pairs, Blackbirds Male 5 (seems to be a lot about all singing from various perches), Robin 1, Woodpigeon 4, Great Tit 1, Magpie 7, Swallow 3, Greenfinch 3, Reed Bunting 4, Swift 2, Reed Warbler 1, Skylark 1, Chiffchaff heard but not seen, Kestrel 1

Reed Bunting (Male RSPB)

Kestrel hovering

In and around Broad Ees Dole

Coot nesting, Canada Geese and goslings

Blackcap 1, Meadow Pipit 1, Blackbird 2, Chiffchaff 1, Swift 4, Mallard 3, Swallow 2, Song Thrush 1, Coot (nesting) 1pair, Moorhen 2, Little Grebe (nesting), Lapwing 2, Black Headed Gull 2, Robin 1, 11 Canada Geese with 7 young, Grey Heron 2, Gold Finch 1.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

China: Airfield uses monkeys to prevent bird strikes

A military airbase in China is now using monkeys to reduce the risk of birds striking aircraft, it is claimed.
The airfield - at an undisclosed location in the country's north - lies in one of the world's major fly paths for migrating birds, says state-run China Daily. Every March, birds descend on the area and hundreds of nests can appear on a single tree overnight, Taiwan-based newspaper Want China Times reports, creating significant risks for aircraft.


Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Carrington Moss Field Number Map

Very useful,

Big Sea Watch - Hilbre Island

Saturday 26th July     
The Big Sea Watch:
Join the Coastal Rangers, staff from the RSPB and Hilbre Bird Observatory for a day on Hilbre looking for seabirds, wading birds and cetaceans that inhabit our wonderful coast.  We will be staying on Hilbre during high tide giving us the best chance to see them.
Places are limited with a suggested donation of £5:00 for this event. 
For more information and to book your place please ring Wirral Country Park on (0151) 648 4371

Last year was a great day, don't forget the sunblock....

Birdfair 2014 - Dates / Info

Friday 15th - Sunday 17th August 2014, Rutland Water Nature Reserve, Egleton, Rutland, LE15 8BT


Friday, 9 May 2014

New Tripod - Purchased today

Comes with HEAD/Q-Shoe
PH-157Q / QB-157
Max Height: 167.5cm
Max Leg Height: 137.5cm
Leg Max Spread: 59cm
Folded Size: 62cm
Tripod Weight: 1.95kg
Maximum Loading Weight: 5kg
Recommended Loading Weight: 4kg
Leg Width: 26mm
Leg Sections: 3
QR Plate: QB-157 DIN
Non-detachable centre column

Hide clamp next...then a scopack :o)


Arrived today 14/May, looks a sturdy tripod, better than the last one, at least I'm not scared of the scope bending the plastic head as on my last one. 

Thursday, 8 May 2014

MMM: Malta on the political agenda . . .

The House of Commons debated the “UK policy on protection of migratory birds in Malta” on Wednesday 7 May 2014.

Read more on Chris Packham's

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Stretford Meadows: 6th May 2014

Sandy Lane entrance and circular route (right to left)

5.30pm - 7.30pm

A great evening walk producing;

 Long Tailed Tit (RSPB)

 Skylarks (RSPB)

Blackbirds (Male and Female) 1 Other Males 4
Swift 5 (hunting insects over the meadows)
Magpie 7
Carrion Crow 2
Wood Pigeon 7
Long Tailed Tit 4 (could hear more behind these 4)
Chiffchaff (heard several but couldn't eyeball them)
House Martin 2 (hunting insects over the meadows)
Mallard (Male and Female) flying over, also one mallard on the ground
Canada Geese 2 flying over
Goldfinch 3
Kestrel 1
Blackcap 1
Great Tit 1
Song Thrush 1
Whitethroat 2
Skylark 2
Robin 1

Getting back on track...

I started to survey Stretford Meadows and then as usual family life and work took over. well now lets get back to it and over a few months try and get a picture of the birds in the area.

Looking at the MCR Bird Forum - Stretford Tip entry recently had the following;

4 chiffchaffs
2 skylarks
1 blackcap
2 greenfinches
1 kestrel
4 reed buntings
5 whitethroats
3 pheasants
4 linnets
2 long tailed tits
2 wheatears

so quite a few to look out for.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

RSPB ID Trip - Pennington Flash Wigan.

Thanks again to Jane, Jean, Peter and friends for a great day and some very good birding.

DATE: 3 May 2014
TIME: 9.30am to 4pm

Driving down the lane to the carpark we were greeted by a Blackbird and Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Main Lake by car park

Canada Geese
Graylag Goose
Tufted Duck (M+F)
Mute Swan
Great Crested Grebe
Swifts towards the yachting club

Bunting Hide

Bullfinch, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Robin, Blue Tit, Stock Dove, Moorhen, Dunnock, Great Tit, Mallard



Walking to the Teal hide we went via the golf course following the path and what a great decision that was....

Song Thrush, Whitethroat*, Willow Warbler*, Blackcap*, Wren, Kingfisher


Willow Warbler

Teal Hide

Pied Wagtail, Pochard*, Cormorant - eating or trying to eat a vary large fish which was very entertaining. Coot nesting, Grey Heron, Lapwing



After lunch we went to the Edmundson Hide usually a great place to see kingfisher unfortunately today we were not lucky so only a fleeting glance as it flew over.

Mallard, Moorhen, Grey Heron

At the screen opposite the hide a great veiw of a Reed Warbler* thanks Nick.

Moving on for a walk around the wooded areas, the lake and the Ramsdale hide at the back of the spit.

Chiifchaff, Blackheaded Gull, Starling, Wren, Common Tern, Buzzard, Lesser Black Backed Gull, Redshank, Little Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper*, Oystercatcher, Great Crested Grebes, Black Headed Gulls.

A great day and some great views of the Whitethroat and Warblers.

Some photo's by me* and some from stock photos. 

Friday, 2 May 2014

This African Bird Uses An Elaborate Ruse To Steal Food

If you believe honesty is the best policy, you would have a hard time convincing the forked-tailed drongo. This tricky African bird is the pathological liar of the animal kingdom.


RELATED: Shouting "fire" in a crowded room