Tuesday 6 May 2014

Stretford Meadows: 6th May 2014

Sandy Lane entrance and circular route (right to left)

5.30pm - 7.30pm

A great evening walk producing;

 Long Tailed Tit (RSPB)

 Skylarks (RSPB)

Blackbirds (Male and Female) 1 Other Males 4
Swift 5 (hunting insects over the meadows)
Magpie 7
Carrion Crow 2
Wood Pigeon 7
Long Tailed Tit 4 (could hear more behind these 4)
Chiffchaff (heard several but couldn't eyeball them)
House Martin 2 (hunting insects over the meadows)
Mallard (Male and Female) flying over, also one mallard on the ground
Canada Geese 2 flying over
Goldfinch 3
Kestrel 1
Blackcap 1
Great Tit 1
Song Thrush 1
Whitethroat 2
Skylark 2
Robin 1

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