Sunday 4 May 2014

RSPB ID Trip - Pennington Flash Wigan.

Thanks again to Jane, Jean, Peter and friends for a great day and some very good birding.

DATE: 3 May 2014
TIME: 9.30am to 4pm

Driving down the lane to the carpark we were greeted by a Blackbird and Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Main Lake by car park

Canada Geese
Graylag Goose
Tufted Duck (M+F)
Mute Swan
Great Crested Grebe
Swifts towards the yachting club

Bunting Hide

Bullfinch, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Robin, Blue Tit, Stock Dove, Moorhen, Dunnock, Great Tit, Mallard



Walking to the Teal hide we went via the golf course following the path and what a great decision that was....

Song Thrush, Whitethroat*, Willow Warbler*, Blackcap*, Wren, Kingfisher


Willow Warbler

Teal Hide

Pied Wagtail, Pochard*, Cormorant - eating or trying to eat a vary large fish which was very entertaining. Coot nesting, Grey Heron, Lapwing



After lunch we went to the Edmundson Hide usually a great place to see kingfisher unfortunately today we were not lucky so only a fleeting glance as it flew over.

Mallard, Moorhen, Grey Heron

At the screen opposite the hide a great veiw of a Reed Warbler* thanks Nick.

Moving on for a walk around the wooded areas, the lake and the Ramsdale hide at the back of the spit.

Chiifchaff, Blackheaded Gull, Starling, Wren, Common Tern, Buzzard, Lesser Black Backed Gull, Redshank, Little Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper*, Oystercatcher, Great Crested Grebes, Black Headed Gulls.

A great day and some great views of the Whitethroat and Warblers.

Some photo's by me* and some from stock photos. 

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