Wednesday 11 November 2015

Short-eared owl

A couple of short-eared owls local to me are proving to be tough to catch up with. Attempts to photograph this owl at the moment have been thwart with bad weather, I assume keeping the owl tucked up somewhere warm and dry.

I'll keep going until I get a picture of her (or him).

It was nice to meet and put a face to the name - Tony hardy on Mcr Bird Forum, thanks for the chat!! I'm not a contributor but a keen reader of the forum.

On another note it saddens me greatly to see news like this from Pennington Flash - 5 Pink Footed Geese shot and their breasts removed and carcasses left behind - who would do such a thing, with this and someone setting one of the hides on fire earlier in the year I think the current lack of a on site warden needs serious attention.

I believe if you see or hear anything you can let the people know in the golf shop who have the number for the ranger service.

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