Friday, 7 July 2017

Help Preserve Our Local Meadows - SIGNED!!

The campaign is created by Cllr Stephen Adshead

Concerning development of the Stretford Meadows

The Petition is to withdraw any suggestions, ideas etc. to develop industrial units/warehousing on the meadows greenbelt area that links Stretford and Urmston, and instead support the local community and Trafford Council’s strategy to help enhance this green space for the benefit of the local communities.

Why is this important?

These meadows are a former landfill site that has gradually over the years been transformed and enhanced into a green space with a diverse number of uses, Trafford Councils Strategy for the site includes:
• The provision of attractive, accessible links from surrounding residential areas;
• The creation of a strategic route encouraging cycling and walking, linking urban and
Countryside areas, that is highly accessible by a large number of Trafford residents;
• The inclusion of measures to secure improvements to biodiversity, for instance by
Enhancing the area adjacent to the existing wetland to encourage Reed Buntings,
Improving meadow habitat for Skylarks and supplementing naturally regenerating oak trees;
• Tree planting to create woodland to help tackle air pollution and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
All this could now be under threat if Land care develops proposals to industrialise our local greenspace, the local area includes high density housing and some depravation, and this green space is well used and valued by the local community. It is also home a diverse community of wildlife that would also be lost.


up to 32 species of bird on the land (maybe more), lots of butterflies, moths and other animals. it is an important site and needs to be kept to support wildlife. We are loosing a lot of greenspace and we don't have much to begin with in Stretford, our Parks are also under threat of development, soon it could be a concrete jungle is that what we want?

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