Saturday 1 July 2017

Walk around Stretford Meadows to the Water Park (Sat 1st July 2017)

A nice sunny day today, so a good opportunity to get outside and enjoy the sunshine for a few hours.

Started on the meadows in a circular route so that I would end up at the café at the water park.

Some of the highlights from today's walk, in the main butterfly's. All taken with a Sigma 17-70mm lens, trying it out properly for the first time.

Small Tortoiseshell - Sun loving caterpillar's feed on nettles

Comma - feeds on nettles, note the ragged edged wings

Stretford House from the meadows

Meadow Buttercup

Bridge under Chester Rd

Red Admiral - Summer migrant, often in good numbers.

Stretford house from Stretford Ees.

Stretford Ees

Common Blue Damselfly - have to look close for this one (centre)

Bridgewater Canal

Speckled Wood

Side of the tram lines to SWP

River Mersey

Broad Ees Dole

Swimmers in the lake

Stretford looking good, very summery.

And to finish off the walk with a nice piece of Carrot Cake at the SWP Café - great afternoon!!

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