Tuesday 30 October 2018

Holy Land Monday 29th October (Evening) - Travel up to Tiberias and Kibbutz Inbar

Tiberias (/taɪˈbɪəriÉ™s/; Hebrew: ְט ֶּב ְריָּ×” , Tverya, Arabic: ,  طبرية Ṭabariyyah) is an Israeli city on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee. Established around 20 CE, it was named in honour of the second emperor of the Roman Empire, Tiberius. In 2017 it had a population of 43,664.

Once we had had dinner we made the 30 min journey to the Kibbutz, I don’t know what I was expecting here, some sort of hostel type arrangement however I was pleasantly surprised, it was modern and had everything. Sleeping arrangements were as the Camel Ranch so Beth was with the Girls and I was with Ian. News on Peter was that he was trying to get back home but was in good spirits, in fact he asked for his name to be put on the list for Gold Hill’s next trip to Israel.

Another opportunity to sample local culture, we were given 50 NIS each to go towards dinner and Beth and Rebecca gave me a choice of McDonalds or Pizza Hut. We ended up with Pizza Hut, all the way to Israel for pizza (again). 

A Secret Heaven in the Heart of the Galilee – Kibbutz Inbar

Nestled in the heart of the green mountains of the Galilee it is the smallest Kibbutz in Israel!. 

From here we would explore Nazareth, Capernaum, The Sea of Galilee and meet Claude Ezagouri a Messianic Jew who talked to us in the evening.

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