Thursday 25 October 2018

Holy Land: Travel to London Weds 24th October

I was still packing this morning, still not accepting this adventure was here. It is now I am on it.

What a day, we were dropped off at Piccadilly station by Jackie, my wife, going to miss her very much, we should be here together.

Mandy had loads of bags, as usual she caters for every occasion

A great trip down to Euston from Piccadilly, it was fast and smooth thanks to the Virgin Pendolino train. The next part of the journey we had to get from Euston to Gerard’s Cross, you would think that it would be easy but trying to find bus stop G in what is a strange town, too many people and too much traffic. Any way a bus and another train took us there and Clive was meeting us.
We met Clive at the station as arranged, a welcome sight after travelling all afternoon and he took us all to his house to meet everyone, through the lanes of Chalfont St Peter in the Gold Hill mini bus.. Funny but it did seem to be hotter “down south”, us northerners could take off our big coats.
It was great for Clive and Ruth to open their house to everyone, putting names to faces, there were that many I was sure I wouldn't remember everyone's name but everyone was so nice.
After eating and getting some last minute instructions about travel in the early hours we were given rooms to sleep in, Beth and I thank Emma (Ruth and Clive’s daughter) for the use of her room, it was very comfy.
We are ready for some sleep now, we will be up at 3am leave at 3.30am, We thank God for a safe journey, everyone was here except for Abbie(?) who was supposed to be joining from Germany.
GOOD NIGHT!! - Shattered

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