Wednesday 28 August 2013

Broad Ees Dole 28/8/2013

Although a quiet morning, it was nice to be up and out and about early.

Time: 7.15am - 9.00am

Coot 4A +2J
Moorhen 3A +3J
Lapwing 2A+1J
BHGull 7
Canada Goose 1 (7 Flew over heading for the main lake)
Magpie 2
Little Grebe 1A+1J
Grey Heron 3
Mallard 2A+6J
Blue Tit 2
Robin 1
Teal 3
Long Tailed Tit 1
Carrion Crow 2

No photo's as the camera would not power up(even though batteries had been charged), shame as the Heron was very close today, it would have appeared very nice when digiscoping.

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