Saturday 3 August 2013

Kinmel Bay (N.Wales)

July 30th and 1st Aug 2013

A few days around Kinmel Bay with the family was an opportunity to try some sea-watching. I set out about 6.30am in the mornings and strolled down the beach from Kinmel Bay, towards Asda and then onwards to the estuary near the Blue Bridge that takes you to Rhyl. You can see the tower in Rhyl from the beach at Kinmel Bay.

The weather on both days was warm and sunny with a slight breeze, even at that time in the morning.

20+ Sanderling
circa 86 Oystercatcher
11 Sandwich Tern
3 Curlew
13 Ringed Plover
1 House Martin
Lots of Starlings and Herring Gull
Pied Wagtail

Others of note:
47 Cormorants
Black Headed Gull
Lesser Black Backed Gull
Great Black Backed Gull (Yellow legs)
Tree Sparrow


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